(Red): "Where is that document?"
(Me): "I'll check those containers in the attic."
(Me, after 5 minutes) "Which one is it? that one? no... that one?.... "
(Me, after 15 minutes): "That looks like it over there but..."
(Me: "Who labeled these containers? Oh..., I did. My bad."
(Me, after 30 minutes ): "I'll just move these around a bit to get to..."
(Me, after 45 minutes): "Aw, Look at that! I had forgotten all about
that. I'll just put it over here to show Joyce and..."
(Me: after 60 minutes): "If I move some of these into the room..."
(Me, after 75 minutes): "So that's where we put that!"
(Me, after 90 minutes sitting on the floor surrounded by containers)
(Red, 92 minutes later): "Why are all these containers out???"
(Me with teary eyed expression): "Red, do you remember this?"
(Red): "Did you find the document?"
(Me): What document?
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