Since I'm still breathing and only a few people have actually said "bless his heart", I will continue to live as if I'm going to be here a while serving God by serving pastors and churches. That means reading and learning as a Lifelong learner. Recently I read 2 books that will have a tremendous future effect on me even though I am now 70 and have lived most of my life.
The first book is The Way of The Dragon or The Way of the Lamb by Jamin Goggin and Kyle Strobel. The subtitle may explain why I loved it: "Searching for Jesus' path of power in a church that has abandoned it." This is a collection of essays that help us examine whether we are operating in any power paths other than the Holy Spirit. The designation "deceiver" is quite appropriate for the evil one and this book helped me to see times in my life and ministry when I had used ways that were more of the dragon than the Lamb. I was led to repent and confess several times as I committed to put off Dragon ways and put on Lamb Ways. Powerful book for anyone in ministry or churches.
The second book is Spiritual Leadership, Revised and Expanded by Henry and Richard Blackaby. Because I have been a student of leadership my entire ministry, I had read the earlier edition of this book; but I was blown away at how helpful and pragmatic this revised edition is. Regardless of one's leadership position in the church, in business, or in the home, this is a powerful, convicting, and pragmatic resource for Disciples of Jesus who lead in any context.
I've been away from blogging for a while but hope to renew writing more regularly.
Just thinking about leadership...
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