While driving to the upstate Saturday, the old hymn "This Is My Father's World" came up on Spotify. I hummed the tune for a bit, but when the music came to the chorus, I loudly sang in my best quasi-operatic voice. (Yes, I was alone in the car!) It was as if I were in some imaginary choir and we had been instructed to sing "full voice'. I was completely oblivious to anyone else driving along the interstate with me. And I felt really good after this musical outburst!
But why?
That morning in my time alone at start of day, after praying for pastors, my prayers had focused on the current troubles filling the news. There were (and are!) plenty of things for us to pray about.
But as I sang that old hymn, The Spirit reminded me of the Heavenly Father who "owned" this world. He prompted me to thank God for the blessings of life. So many blessings came to mind: the air we breathe. Music. Grandchildren. Love. The beach. Water. Strawberries. Friends. Otis Redding. (You can insert your favorite singer here.) If there were a scale to weigh them, the blessings of life would far outweigh the troubles.
After naming several people and things in my life, I thanked God for the greatest blessing I have ever received- Jesus. The day I trusted that Jesus did everything necessary to make me right with God was truly a day of personal freedom. It was the day I experienced His Amazing Grace and began to live the Good and Beautiful Life.
I think that's why I sang that way that day.
Of course, singing an old hymn full voice is not a therapeutic way to divert one's attention to more pleasant thoughts. Neither is it a way to escape from the troubles of the world. Indeed, escaping the troubles of the world is not His strategy for his disciples. Jesus' plan for us is to get smack dab in the middle of the troubles of the world and bring love, prayers, serving, truth, and blessing We overcome evil with good. We're not escape artists, we are change agents.
But the hymn that morning reminded me of a beautiful truth: As a disciple of Jesus, I now live in His presence 24/7, and there is nothing that can ever change that. So once again, as I drove to meet some buddies from long, long ago, I decided that I will pray for the people experiencing the troubles of the world. I will act on the promptings of the Holy Spirit to bless others. And I will choose gratitude until it becomes the default attitude of my heart. And sometimes that will move me to sing!
So if you see my alone in my car singing as if I'm Andrea Bocelli, don't laugh. Join me.
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